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Escape Room

Escape Room de Zombies, una Experiencia Aterradora y Electrizante

¿Estás listo para sumergirte en un mundo de terror y supervivencia? Los escape room de zombies ofrecen una aventura única que te pondrá a prueba y te mantendrá al borde de tu asiento. Descubre la emoción de enfrentarte a los no-muertos mientras luchas, huyes, intentas resolver los puzles, y encontrar la salida en esta experiencia inmersiva y emocionante. La Invasión de los No-Muertos: Adéntrate en el Escenario de Terror de escape room de zombies Antes de comenzar tu escape room de zombies, prepárate para adentrarte en un mundo post-apocalíptico lleno de peligros y horrores. Desde los sonidos escalofriantes hasta la sutileza de poder ser escuchado, cada detalle está diseñado para transportarte a un escenario de terror donde tu ingenio y coraje serán puestos a prueba. Resolver el Misterio: Descifrar Pistas para Escapar Una vez dentro del escape room, tu objetivo será resolver una serie de acertijos y rompecabezas para encontrar la salida antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Utiliza tu astucia y trabajo en equipo para descifrar las pistas ocultas y desbloquear nuevas áreas mientras descubres el camino correcto, encuentra mapas, escritos, casas abandonadas que te darán algunas respuestas para abrirte camino y poder ser rescatado. El Peligro Acechante: Sobrevive al Asedio de los Zombies En un escape room de zombies, el peligro está siempre presente mientras los no-muertos acechan en las sombras, listos para atacar en cualquier momento. Mantén los ojos abiertos y los oídos alerta mientras te enfrentas a la amenaza de los zombies y luchas por mantenerte con vida en medio del caos. Cooperación Vital: Trabaja en Equipo para Escapar El trabajo en equipo es esencial para sobrevivir en un escape room de zombies. Colabora con tus compañeros de equipo, comparte información y recursos, y confía en tus habilidades individuales para superar los desafíos que se interponen en tu camino hacia la libertad. Carrera contra el Tiempo: Escapa Antes de que sea Demasiado Tarde Con el reloj en marcha y los zombies acercándose, cada segundo cuenta en tu lucha por la supervivencia. Mantén la calma bajo presión y haz todo lo posible por escapar antes de que el tiempo se agote y caiga la bomba que dará fin a la partida. Adrenalina y Emoción: Sumérgete en una Experiencia Intensa Prepárate para una dosis de adrenalina mientras te sumerges en la experiencia intensa de este escape room de zombies. Siente la emoción correr por tus venas mientras te enfrentas a desafíos cada vez más difíciles, puzzles, contraseñas, puertas que ocultan secretos, botellas con mensajes ocultos, incluso el capo de un coche podrá salvarte la vida en esta emocionante aventura. Estrategia y Planificación: Desarrolla una Estrategia para la Libertad Antes de adentrarte en el escape room, desarrolla una estrategia sólida con tu equipo para maximizar tus posibilidades de éxito. Asigna roles y responsabilidades, comunica claramente tus objetivos, puede que dentro todo sea un caos peor si lográis encontrar el orden en equipo quizás tengáis la posibilidad de encontrar la salida. Superando el Miedo: Desafía tus Temores y Alcanza la Victoria Enfrentarse al terror de un escape room de zombies puede ser aterrador, pero también puede ser una oportunidad para superar tus miedos y demostrar tu valentía. Un arañazo o mordisco pondrá a todos tus compañeros en peligro, ¿serás tan traicionero y cobarde como para dejarlos morir contigo?, ¿darás tu vida por salvarlos?, ¿les ayudaras con lo poco de vida que te queda? En este escape room cualquier cosa puede pasar. Al final, escapar de un escape room de zombies no solo se trata de encontrar la salida, sino también de descubrir la fuerza que reside dentro de ti. ¿Estás listo para la aventura de tu vida? Baja abajo para encontrar el sorteo que vamos a ofrecer desde Big Digital Fox PREMIO: hazte una cuenta con nosotros para participar en el sorteo de una entrada gratuita para dos personas al Alfa del nuevo Escape Room de Zombies que vamos a crear, ¿Qué esperas? ¡Hazte una cuenta! PRODUCTO: Te mostramos dos divertidos juegos de Escape room de zombies en tu propia casa: Escape Room ¡Alerta Zombies! Escape Room Zombies Vol 2 y Vol 3

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Adéntrate en la emocionante aventura de Escape Room Zombies, donde la supervivencia es la clave. Explora emocionantes escape rooms y prepárate para enfrentarte a hordas de no-muertos sedientos de sangre. ¿Te atreves a jugar online gratis y demostrar tus habilidades de supervivencia? En Escape Room Zombies Madrid, vive una experiencia única en equipo, donde cada decisión puede marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Este juego para jugar en grupo es perfecto para compartir la emoción con amigos y familiares. ¿Prefieres un desafío más íntimo? Prueba nuestro juego para dos y descubre si tienes lo necesario para sobrevivir juntos en un mundo invadido por zombies. Sumérgete en uno de los mejores juegos de zombies y disfruta de la adrenalina al máximo. ¿Estás listo para vivir la mejor experiencia de escape room online? Descubre por qué Escape Room Zombies es el mejor juego online 2023 y 2024. ¡Únete al equipo y sobrevive a la apocalipsis zombie!
Escape Room

Explorando la aventura: Los secretos detrás de las Escape Rooms

¡Bienvenidos a la emocionante aventura de los Escape Rooms! ¿Te apasiona el misterio y el desafío? Entonces estás listo para descubrir los secretos que se esconden detrás de estos fascinantes juegos de escapar. Los Escape Rooms han logrado cautivar a públicos de todas las edades en los últimos años. ¿Qué los hace tan populares? En este artículo, exploraremos estas emocionantes experiencias y revelaremos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este fenómeno creciente. Imagina encontrarte en una sala cerrada, rodeado de enigmas y acertijos. Tu objetivo es encontrar las pistas, resolver los acertijos y lograr escapar antes de que se agote el tiempo. Cada Escape Room tiene su propia temática y trama, desde aventuras en la antigua Roma hasta misterios ocultos en una mansión encantada. Pero, ¿qué hace que los Escape Rooms sean tan adictivos? Descubrirás cómo desafían tu mente y estimulan tu trabajo en equipo. Además, aprenderás algunos consejos y trucos para superar estos desafíos con éxito. Prepárate para sumergirte en el emocionante mundo de los Escape Rooms y descubrir los secretos que te esperan. ¡La aventura comienza ahora! Introducción a las salas de Escape Rooms Las salas de escape, también conocidas como escape rooms, son experiencias de juego inmersivas y desafiantes en las que los participantes se encuentran encerrados en una habitación y deben encontrar pistas, resolver acertijos y trabajar en equipo para escapar antes de que se acabe el tiempo. Estas experiencias han ganado popularidad en los últimos años debido a su capacidad para proporcionar emociones intensas y desafíos intelectuales. Las salas de escape se originaron en Japón en la década de 2000 y desde entonces se han expandido por todo el mundo. La idea básica es simple pero efectiva: los participantes deben utilizar su ingenio y habilidades de resolución de problemas para desbloquear puertas, encontrar códigos y descubrir objetos ocultos que los acerquen a la salida de la habitación. La historia de las salas de Escape Rooms Las salas de escape tienen una historia fascinante que se remonta a los videojuegos de aventuras y las novelas de misterio. La idea de estar encerrado en un lugar y tener que encontrar una salida ha sido una fuente de entretenimiento durante décadas. Sin embargo, fue en Japón donde esta idea se llevó a la realidad en forma de salas físicas. La primera sala de escape se llamó “Crimson Room” y fue creada por el programador japonés Toshimitsu Takagi en 2004. La habitación virtual se convirtió rápidamente en un éxito en línea y sentó las bases para el desarrollo de las salas de escape físicas. A partir de ahí, el concepto se expandió por todo el mundo y se convirtió en una tendencia global. Cómo funcionan las salas de Escape Rooms Las salas de escape suelen tener una duración de 60 minutos, durante los cuales los participantes deben trabajar en equipo para resolver los acertijos y encontrar la salida. Cada sala tiene su propia historia y temática, lo que crea una experiencia única en cada visita. Al ingresar a una sala de escape, los participantes reciben una breve introducción a la historia y se les proporciona cualquier información relevante. A partir de ahí, deben explorar la habitación, examinar objetos, buscar pistas y resolver acertijos para avanzar en la trama y encontrar la salida. Beneficios de participar en salas de Escape Rooms Participar en salas de escape no solo es divertido, sino que también ofrece una serie de beneficios tanto para individuos como para equipos. Estos juegos desafían tu mente, mejoran tus habilidades de resolución de problemas, fomentan la comunicación y promueven el trabajo en equipo. Al enfrentarte a acertijos y desafíos en un entorno controlado, desarrollas habilidades cognitivas como el pensamiento lateral, la creatividad y la capacidad de tomar decisiones rápidas. Además, trabajar en equipo durante una sala de escape fortalece la comunicación, la colaboración y la confianza entre los participantes. Ideas para crear una sala de Escape Rooms casera Si quieres disfrutar de la emoción de las salas de escape desde la comodidad de tu hogar, puedes crear tu propia sala de escape casera. Aquí hay algunas ideas para hacerlo: 1. Elige un tema: Decide sobre el tema de tu sala de escape, ya sea un misterio de asesinato, una aventura histórica o algo completamente original. 2. Crea acertijos y pistas: Diseña acertijos y pistas desafiantes que los participantes deberán resolver para avanzar en la sala de escape. 3. Ambienta el espacio: Utiliza decoraciones, luces y música para crear la atmósfera adecuada para tu sala de escape casera. 4. Establece un límite de tiempo: Al igual que en las salas de escape profesionales, establece un límite de tiempo para que los participantes se sientan presionados y emocionados. Consejos y estrategias para una experiencia exitosa en las salas de Escape Rooms Para tener una experiencia exitosa en las salas de escape, es importante tener en cuenta algunos consejos y estrategias. Aquí hay algunas recomendaciones para ayudarte a superar los desafíos y maximizar tu diversión: 1. Comunícate: La comunicación abierta y efectiva es clave para resolver los acertijos y avanzar en la sala de escape. Asegúrate de compartir información con tu equipo y escuchar las ideas de los demás. 2. Trabaja en equipo: Las salas de escape son una experiencia grupal, por lo que es esencial trabajar en equipo. Divide las tareas, delega responsabilidades y aprovecha los puntos fuertes de cada miembro del equipo. 3. Observa todo: No pierdas de vista ningún detalle. Examina cuidadosamente cada objeto, busca pistas ocultas y presta atención a los pequeños detalles que podrían ser importantes para resolver un acertijo. 4. Organiza tus hallazgos: A medida que encuentres pistas y objetos, mantén todo organizado. Agrupa los elementos relacionados y crea conexiones entre ellos para resolver los acertijos de manera más eficiente. 5. No tengas miedo de pedir ayuda: Si te encuentras atascado en un acertijo o no sabes qué hacer a continuación, no dudes en pedir ayuda al monitor de la sala. Ellos están allí para guiarte y asegurarse de que disfrutes al máximo de

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REPOD: Season 6 Key Moments, Editor's Choice by Steve Ewing
Escape Room

Escape Room: REPOD: Season 6 Key Moments, Editor’s Choice by Steve Ewing

“For new listeners, we hope it will be a great introduction to what the podcast is all about, and for our regular listeners, a reminder of the most interesting and impactful moments from Season 6.” Already missing REPOD? Don’t worry, Season 7 of the podcast is launching very soon. In the meantime, our editor, Steve Ewing, put together some of his favorite clips from each episode of Season 6. In Season 6, we interviewed a few guests with ties to the puzzle hunt world, including TERPECA founder Rich Bragg, puzzle constructor Eric Berlin, and Chief Puzzle Officer Greg Pliska, of A.J. Jacobs’s The Puzzler Podcast. We also explored unusual gameplay and immersive concepts with guests who are experimenting and innovating with their projects, including Christian Vernon and Zac MacKrell, creators of the replayable Doors of Divergence and Kellian and Brian Pletcher, creators of Club Drosselmeyer— an immersive, puzzling swing dance party. Plus Eric Wastl invented The Advent of Code, an advent calendar full of programming puzzles, and Lonnie Hanzon explained the intent behind his set designs at Camp Christmas. We covered some fan favorite escape rooms, interviewing Summer Herrick of Locurio, Marie Huber and Nico César of Red Fox Escapes, and Mike Dold and Rick George of Doldrick’s. What I especially loved about these guests was how they explained the thought process behind their design decisions. In our interview with Christine Barger we talk more about effective social media marketing than escape room design. She actively encourages guests to film in her game! Season 6 also included episodes which were a departure from our normal interview style episodes, including my Halloween Spooktacular filled with games and stories, and hosting the hilarious crew from Hey Riddle Riddle to play through Shop of Theseus, our audio escape room from RECON 23. If you want even more podcast episodes, consider joining our Patreon. For only $5 a month, you’ll get access to our Bonus Aftershow, which is a more casual conversation with each guest. We are immensely grateful to our sponsors this season: Morty App, Buzzshot, and COGS. We truly appreciate your support of our mission to promote and improve the immersive gaming community. Morty is a free app for discovering, planning, tracking, and reviewing your escape rooms and other immersive social outings. Morty News: Morty now features haunt attractions! Morty for Android is here and in public beta. Special Badge for REPOD listeners: You can learn more at MortyApp.com/REPOD to sign up and get a special badge for our listeners. (This works for existing users too!) Buzzshot is Escape Room Software, Powering Business Growth, Player Marketing, and improving the Customer Experience. They offer an assortment of pre and post game features including robust waiver management, branded team photos, and streamlined review management for Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google Reviews, and Morty. Buzzshot now has integration with the other REPOD sponsors: Morty and COGS. Special Offer for REPOD Listeners: REPOD listeners get an extended 21-day free trial plus 20% off your first 3 months, with no set-up fees or hidden charges. Visit buzzshot.com/repod to learn more about this exclusive offer. COGS by Clockwork Dog is an easy to use software/ hardware platform for running interactive events, including escape rooms, and other immersive experiences. They have plug & play hardware that seamlessly integrates with their software so you can create a show with lighting and sound cues without having to write a single line of code. Map all kinds of inputs to outputs by building up simple logic steps which determine what you want to happen and when. Special Offer for REPOD Listeners: REPOD listeners can get the COGS Starter Set for only $130 + free shipping to the USA. This bundle is usually valued at $257. You can learn more and purchase your Starter Set at cogs.show. Use code REPOD at checkout. Topics Discussed in this Episode 0:40 – Episode 1: Replayability & Branching Narratives with Christian Vernon and Zac MacKrell, Creators of Doors of Divergence: Christian and Zac talk about creating an escape room with a built-in replayability factor, including the challenges involved and the benefits it offers. They also discuss the special touch that live actors can add.  6:10 – Episode 2: Hard With Pain: Rich Bragg, Creator of TERPECA: Rich talks about his escapades while creating and setting the Guinness Book of World Records for most escape rooms played in a 24-hour day. 13:50 – Episode 3: Pics or It Didn’t Happen with Christine Barger, The Haunt Girl: 13th Basement is one of the few escape rooms that allow players to photograph and film to their heart’s content. Christine addresses the main concerns other escape room owners have about allowing filming, and why they’re wrong. 20:50 – Episode 4: Hey Riddle Riddle Plays The Shop of Theseus: The hilarious crew from the popular podcast Hey Riddle Riddle take on the challenge of Shop of Theseus—the audio escape room designed for RECON 23. 28:25 – Episode 5: Halloween Spooktacular Special: Just in time for the Halloween season, Chris Lukeman from CU Adventures tells the spookiest escape room horror story. 37:05 – Episode 6: Nutcracker in Swing Time—Kellian & Brian Pletcher, Creators of Club Drosselmeyer: Club Drosselmeyer is an immersive swing dance party with puzzles. Kellian talks about how it all works. 43:20 – Episode 7: The Analytics of Fun—Great Escape Room Design with Marie Huber and Nico César, Owners of Red Fox Escapes: Marie and Nico go the extra mile to ensure their set decor is authentic, including modifying directional locks to look more antique. 47:55 – Sponsor Break: Morty, Buzzshot, and COGS by Clockwork Dog 50:00 – Episode 8: The Puzzling Adventures of Master Word Nerd Eric Berlin: Eric talks about the most famous story in puzzle hunt lore—the Be Noisy story. 55:51 – Episode 9: Advent of Code: 25 Days of Programming Puzzles with Creator Eric Wastl: Eric talks about The Advent of Code, a series of holiday themed programming puzzles, and he tells us how it works. 1:01:50 – Episode

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Pine Studio - "Escape Simulator"
Escape Room

Escape Room: Pine Studio – “Escape Simulator”

Country: Croatia 🇭🇷 Language: English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Portugese, Turkish, Italian Type of Game: Video Escape Game 📱 Date Played: October 5, 2023 Difficulty (based on 1 player): 5/10 Size of Team:  Unlimited (Recommended 2-3 ppl) 🆃🅷🅴 🆂🆃🅾🆁🆈 Escape Simulator has many mini escape rooms with various themes that people often see in escape rooms, such as space, Egyptian, or a treasure island. The theme of each game is different, but the main objective is escaping from the room. Most of them don’t have much detailed story. Escape Simulator also contains the tools to develop an escape room. You can build your escape room. You can play the escape rooms created by game builders in the Escape Simulator community. Their escape rooms have unique stories, themes, and puzzles. Video above is property of Pine Studio 🆃🅷🅴 ❞🅻🅾🅾🅺🆂❞ I love the design and graphics of the entire game. The decor of each room is different depending on the theme, but all look attractive and intriguing. When my avatar enters a room, I always have a moment to say, “Wow!” just like when I step into an escape room. I enjoy playing games with my own cute avatar that I can decorate. Photos above are property of Pine Studio 🆃🅷🅴 🅶🅰🅼🅴 🅿🅻🅰🆈 The console of the game is Steam. You must install Steam on your computer, and you can purchase the game on Steam. You can control your avatar to play an escape room in Escape Simulator. Your avatar can explore the room, pick up things, zoom up the things to get information, or put things in certain places to solve puzzles. The tutorial game is available to learn how to control the avatar. If you play with your friends remotely, your friends must have Escape Simulator on their computers. One of your team members can create and send an invitation code to play the game together in the same game room. Photos above are property of Pine Studio 🆃🅷🅴 🅿🆄🆉🆉🅻🅴🆂 The types of puzzles can be different depending on the game. As for the game created by Pine Studio, the puzzles are usually something like what you encounter in escape rooms. Because an avatar can explore a room freely and do many tasks to solve puzzles, Escape Simulator captures the essence of an actual escape room, unlike point-n-click puzzle games. Although the game has various language options, the puzzles developed by Pine Studio are more physical puzzles that require logical thinking using items or information found in the room rather than word puzzles or pencil puzzles. Inside the game room, there is a hint button to receive step-by-step hints if you need them. The puzzles created by the builders in the community can be varied. Photos above are property of Pine Studio 🅲🅻🅾🆂🅸🅽🅶 🆃🅷🅾🆄🅶🅷🆃🆂 “Escape Simulator” is an escape game platform that contains many exciting escape rooms with various themes on Steam. By controlling your avatar, you can experience a game like an escape room you play in real life. It is accessible to unique games at home anytime you desire. Pine Studio often updates content. Plenty of games developed by Pine Studio and the room builders in the community are available. There is a list of popular games monthly or annually selected in the community section of Escape Simulator. I recommend playing those popular games once you finish the standard rooms by Pine Studio. Or you can have fun creating your unique escape rooms using Escape Simulator! (If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from “ESCAPETHEROOMers“!) Leer más sobre Escape Room

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The Exit Games FL - "Pins & Needles Tattoo Parlor"
Escape Room

Escape Room: The Exit Games FL – “Pins & Needles Tattoo Parlor”

LOCATION: Clearwater, Florida, USA 📝  ETR DECODER 🔑 GAME: Pins & Needles Tattoo Parlor 📅 DATE PLAYED: November 24, 2023 🧠 DIFFICULTY (Based on 4 ppl): 8/10 👥 TOTAL # OF PLAYERS: 3-6 ppl 🕒 LENGTH OF TIME: 90 Mins. ☎️ BOOKING TYPE: Private 🔓 ESCAPED/ COMPLETED?: Yes 📖 THE STORY After years of dedicated work, you and your group have been granted the opportunity to interview for an apprenticeship with the renowned tattoo artist known as Skinz. Feeling both excited and grateful for the chance, you embark on your first day at the job, which begins with the mundane tasks of cleaning the store and ensuring everything is in order. As you familiarize yourself with the basic responsibilities expected at your level, you encounter an unexpected stipulation: no snooping around the store. This rule raises questions about what secrets might be hidden within the tattoo parlor, beyond the reach of new hires. Despite the curiosity, you understand the importance of adhering to the rules and focusing on your assigned tasks. Though the prohibition on exploration piques your interest, you remain committed to performing your duties diligently, eager to make a positive impression and secure your place in the parlor. As you delve into the world of tattoo artistry, you can’t help but wonder about the mysteries lurking just beyond your reach. Every room in this game is meticulously designed, filled to the brim with scenic detail, Easter eggs, and hidden secrets, creating an immersive experience that transports players into the world of the tattoo parlor and its adjoining creations. Each room offers a unique atmosphere that contributes to the unfolding story, further enriching the gameplay. The game begins with an actor-driven segment, expertly facilitated by Ben, our game master, who skillfully brings the characters to life and immerses players in the narrative. His personal touch adds depth to the storytelling, enhancing the overall experience. Throughout the 90-minute adventure, players encounter a variety of challenging puzzles that require problem-solving skills and collaboration. From setting up the tattoo parlor for the day to utilizing math in puzzle-solving, the game offers a diverse range of challenges, including physical puzzles, word puzzles, and those designed to advance the storyline. As the game progresses, the theme takes a darker turn, gradually building suspense and anticipation. However, it’s not until the latter half of the game that the true depth of the narrative unfolds, culminating in a cinematic moment that showcases the immersive storytelling and surprises that make this game a standout experience. 🧩 MISSED THE MARK After much consideration, nothing is needed in this section 🏹 TAKE A SHOT? “Pins & Needles Tattoo Parlor” by The Exit Games FL sets a new standard in immersive entertainment, seamlessly blending immersive theater and escape room elements to create an unparalleled experience. It’s evident that the creators poured their passion into every aspect of the game, from the intricate set design to the meticulously crafted puzzles. One of the highlights of the game is its ability to capture the essence of a tattoo-themed parlor escape room, with storytelling that unfolds in a way that feels authentic and engaging. The use of the tattoo parlor theme adds a unique twist to the gameplay, setting it apart from other escape room experiences. While the game immerses players in a vibrant and dynamic world, it’s important to note that the use of language may not be suitable for all groups. The actors and game masters thrive on the energy of the players, adapting their interactions accordingly. While some groups may prefer a more restrained experience, others can fully embrace the game’s immersive qualities, including its colorful language. In the end, this experience offers a dynamic and immersive escape room experience that caters to a wide range of preferences. Players should feel encouraged to fully engage with the game, allowing themselves to be swept up in the excitement and intrigue of the tattoo parlor setting. Photos above are property of The Exit Games FL There are many free parking spaces right outside the facility. There’s a Lobby area with seating and merchandise for purchase. Photo above is property of ESCAPETHEROOMers Check out our YouTube video for a sneak peek of the location, interview with the owners, the room(s) (no puzzle spoilers) and more: Video above is property of ESCAPETHEROOMers (If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from “ESCAPETHEROOMers“!) Leer más sobre Escape Room

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Escape Room: PAXU 2023: The Interactive Games

I previously wrote about attending PAX Unplugged 2023, focusing on the expo hall and some standout games. As I said about last year‘s convention, PAX Unplugged (a convention focusing on tabletop and other analog gaming) has become increasingly gamified. I was happy to see that this year’s convention had a similar level of interactivity, and I am hopeful that these events continue to run at future PAXU conventions. After missing out on them at PAXU 2022 and PAX East 2023, I was finally able to play some of the puzzle rooms put on by Co-Operatives. My team was able to try out 2 of their offerings, Split the Party and Wayward Spacers (both built for 2-4 players). A note if you’re looking at the Co-Operatives website: Split the Party looks to have been renamed The Big Dig for their new pop-up experience in Boston. All of the rooms they offered were built around the concept of the split team, which happens to be one of my favorite game mechanics when used well. These were small “rooms,” each one being a curtained off of a larger conference room. This led to some noise bleed from other experiences, but thankfully that never became a distraction while playing. The curtained-off rooms had a single standing wooden wall with puzzles built into it, with each team dividing up between the sides. Split the Party was the better of the 2 experiences. It was ideal for our 2-player team; we used about 12 of the allotted 15 minutes and the puzzles had fun moments of understanding. Wayward Spacers needed some extra polish and a fourth person. We went in with 3, which meant we were not able to optimize the cooperative puzzles. With some iteration, it will be a perfectly fine game in the future. The price of the rooms increased from last year – $15pp at PAXU 2022 compared to $20pp this time around. We questioned the value of the games last year at the lower price point, and even with typical inflated convention pricing, $20pp felt high this year for a 15-minute experience. They were a welcome addition to the convention, and I’d love to see some cross-promotion with Philadelphia area escape room companies in the future. PAXU 2022 introduced a paper-based puzzle hunt, Foodies From Outer Space. This year’s similar offering was War(ped) Games, inspired by the classic 1983 movie War Games. This year’s packet consisted of nine puzzles and a meta. Once the meta was solved, you brought the solution to puzzle headquarters and you were entered into a prize raffle. Each of the 9 puzzles was based on a classic arcade game like Centipede and Q*bert. They were primarily word puzzles, and on the difficulty scale were comparable to completing a Puzzled Pint. While War(ped) Games was enjoyable, it was scaled down considerably compared to Foodies. Foodies had more puzzles (14) and – more importantly – was site-specific. Not only were some of the puzzles linked to some of the weird art that lives in the Philadelphia Convention Center, but the puzzles were also tied to seven booths on the convention floor. That extra level of effort elevated Foodies into something that only made sense in the context of PAX Unplugged, whereas we completed War(ped) Games mostly in our hotel room. Again the puzzles were enjoyable, but they lacked the sense of time and place that permeated Foodies. Czech Games Edition (CGE), a board game publisher, presented another treasure hunt in the same style as last year’s. We were tasked with searching out multiple posters themed around their new board game Kutná Hora: The City of Silver. Like last year, these posters were prominent and visible throughout the convention, luring the curious to the CGE room where the hunt actually started. The puzzles were mostly played via cell phone with some additional information and clues presented on a sheet of paper provided at the start of the trail. There were a mix of word games and visual puzzles, all with a low-to-medium difficulty level. Each correct answer provided a hint to the location of the next poster, and exploring the convention this way led us to an area or 2 that we had not previously explored. While the puzzles were enjoyable, I can’t say that I actually learned anything about the Kutná Hora board game. Even so, free puzzles are usually a good time and I’m thankful for their presence. There were a lot of things to see, do, and play at PAX Unplugged this year. This would be true even without the playable games. Even so, I love that they were included again and appear to be becoming a permanent fixture. And while these were all good games that I enjoyed playing, only one of them truly felt like a convention game – the CGE hunt based on Kutná Hora. Only that game was tied to the convention itself: searching out the posters involved exploring and interacting with the convention hall. The other games would have been at home at another convention or any other event. Last year’s puzzle hunt, Foodies From Outer Space, was inextricably linked to the Philadelphia Convention Center. Experience and memory are tied together, and that makes it hard to forget searching the convention center for certain art installations and wandering the expo hall looking for aliens to complete the meta puzzle. A convention-wide game should take advantage of the convention and the physical space that it was constructed for. I have fond memories of the ARG at RECON Boston in 2022, which made use of the venue, the nearby streets, and even the volunteers. That game remains tied to the event, and it can not be replicated even at future RECON events (… although I hear there will be another, different game at RECON Los Angeles this summer!) This is not to seem ungrateful; I was happy for the puzzle content and look forward to it (and all the exciting new board games

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🆕 Spoilers Club: Ghost of Mentryville
Escape Room

Escape Room: 🆕 Spoilers Club: Ghost of Mentryville

“Why did it have to be snakes?” “Since we started this podcast, I have been talking repeatedly about my desire for there to be more lower budget, experimental, thought provoking, and thoughtful productions.” David calls this game “the black box theatre” of escape rooms, while REA Patron Dan Egnor called it “the best room in the world in awesomeness per square foot.” You’ve probably never played this room, or even heard about it, but David and I love this room so much that we dedicated 90 minutes to thoroughly dissecting and reliving The Ghost of Mentryville. Creator Matt Tye of Arcane Escape Room in Newhall, CA joins us to share his design and thought process behind this brilliant game.

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Great Escapes Inman - "Nowhere To Be Found"
Escape Room

Escape Room: Great Escapes Inman – “Nowhere To Be Found”

LOCATION: Inman, South Carolina, USA 📝  ETR DECODER 🔑 GAME: Nowhere To Be Found 📅 DATE PLAYED: December 10, 2023 🎬 GENRE: Mystery, Thriller 🧠 DIFFICULTY (Based on 4 ppl): 6/10 👥 TOTAL # OF PLAYERS: 2-10 ppl 🕒 LENGTH OF TIME: 60 Mins. 💰 PRICE: $80.00 (2 ppl) or $30.00/ pp (3+ ppl) ☎️ BOOKING TYPE: Private 🔓 ESCAPED/ COMPLETED?: Yes 📖 THE STORY Otis, the owner of the “Gas and Go” gas station, has finally decided to take a well-deserved vacation after tirelessly running his small-town establishment for years. Leaving his trusted friend Earl in charge, Otis sets off for some much-needed rest and relaxation. However, things take a sinister turn when Otis tries to contact Earl during his vacation, only to receive no response. Concerned for Earl’s well-being, Otis contacts the country sheriff, who is already overwhelmed with the chaos caused by an escaped asylum patient wreaking havoc in Inman. The urgency of the situation escalates when it’s revealed that the gas station has a critical pressure valve that must be released every 60 minutes to prevent a catastrophic explosion. With time ticking away, the sheriff calls upon your group to enter the gas station, release the pressure valve, and search for Earl before it’s too late. You have only 60 minutes to defuse the potentially explosive situation and uncover the whereabouts of Earl. The clock is ticking, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. The puzzles in “Nowhere to be Found” truly stand out, offering a diverse range that spans from word puzzles to physical challenges. Each puzzle seamlessly integrates into the story world, providing a satisfying experience for both novice and experienced players alike. Despite the variety, none of the puzzles are overly challenging, allowing for a smooth flow of gameplay and a sense of accomplishment with each solution. Despite being a locally-owned company with just a single room, the set design of the gas station is expertly crafted. It authentically captures the essence of an off-the-beaten-path gas station, complete with antique artifacts and cleverly hidden locks and keys that blend seamlessly into the decor. The attention to detail showcases the dedication and craftsmanship put into creating the immersive environment. The Game Masters play a crucial role in immersing players into the story world. While there is no actor interaction within the room itself, the Game Masters set the stage with their in-character portrayal, particularly as the sheriff at the beginning of the experience. Their commitment to the narrative adds depth to the overall atmosphere and enhances the players’ engagement throughout the game. 🧩 MISSED THE MARK While “Nowhere to be Found” provided a thoroughly enjoyable experience overall, our group’s primary complaint arose during the finale. While it made sense within the context of the story world, we felt that it could have benefited from a bit more human touch. Although not inherently bad, the conclusion left our group with a lingering sense of wanting more, especially considering the high quality of puzzles we encountered throughout the game. 🏹 TAKE A SHOT? Great Escapes Inman truly stands out as a quintessential mom and pop shop, evident in their genuine passion for and understanding of the escape room industry. The puzzle flow showcased some of the best I’ve encountered in all my escapades. The storyline was refreshingly unique and incredibly engaging, enhanced by the use of antique props that were both stunning and nostalgic, spanning from the 1960s to the present day. Throughout the 60-minute experience, we reveled in the myriad of surprises and unexpected twists that the game presented. Despite being one of the fastest teams the company has ever seen, escaping the room in just 30 minutes, it in no way detracted from the overall gameplay or storyline of “Nowhere to be Found.” This hidden gem is an absolute delight, and if you ever find yourself in the area, it’s highly recommended for a try. One player must crawl briefly Short bursts of flashing lights Photos above are property of Great Escapes Inman (If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from “ESCAPETHEROOMers“!) Leer más sobre Escape Room

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How to Participate in EnigMarch 2024
Escape Room

Escape Room: How to Participate in EnigMarch 2024

EnigMarch season is almost upon us! Every day in March, the team at EnigMarch HQ (myself included) will share a single-word prompt as inspiration to create 31 puzzles by the end of the month. Anyone can share their puzzles on our Discord or use the hashtag #EnigMarch on social media to show off what they’ve made. We created this event to help both new and experienced constructors improve their skills and confidence in the context of a fun, low-pressure puzzle challenge. During each of its first two years, participants wrote over 1,000 puzzles in total—an amazing show of grit and creativity! EnigMarch puzzle from the prompt “Nest” by Mark Larson, designer of the RECON 23 game The Shop of Theseus Whether you’re interested in flexing your puzzle design muscles or just dropping in whenever the prompts move you, here are a few tips for enjoying EnigMarch to its fullest. Make a plan Most people aim to complete 31 puzzles for the month, but really there are no rules. You don’t have to finish every puzzle by midnight that day, or follow the daily prompt structure at all. It’s okay to pick and choose from the prompts that interest you, or combine 2 or 3 into a single puzzle, or write one big game or story using a whole bunch of prompts. Whatever sounds fun!  Build in room for exceptions If you do want to create a puzzle every day, it helps to plan ahead and decide what to do if you fall behind or need to skip a day or two, so you can keep the momentum going. EnigMarch puzzle from the prompt “Glitch” by Sarah Willson, REA writer and co-creator of EnigMarch Embrace imperfection Spending several hours every day crafting a perfect puzzle isn’t feasible for most people—and anyway, the whole point of EnigMarch is to create a bunch of puzzles really fast. So although there may be a few days when you spend more time working on a really cool idea, it’s ok to create a slapdash puzzle some days… or even most days. It may feel less satisfying in the moment, but you never know: oftentimes it’s the careless last-minute ideas that end up delighting solvers the most. Add hints and solutions After doing this for 2 years, it’s become clear that the puzzles people stick with the most are the ones that have some kind of feedback built in. Especially for more difficult or obscure puzzles, solvers generally appreciate having hints and solutions to refer to. If you have the time, consider providing a few hints or an answer checker link alongside your puzzle. EnigMarch collaboration by REA writer Matthew Stein and Scott Kominers Try out other people’s puzzles You don’t have to create puzzles of your own to participate in EnigMarch. Dozens of puzzle designers are hoping for an audience to solve their creations, and they’re usually grateful for any support and feedback. Whether or not you’re taking the EnigMarch challenge this year, check out some of the clever, strange, and beautiful puzzles other constructors are sharing. Not only is it fun, but we can learn a lot from each other, too. Like this: Like Loading… Leer más sobre Escape Room

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Escape Artist Greenville - "Dark Lullaby"
Escape Room

Escape Room: Escape Artist Greenville – “Dark Lullaby”

LOCATION: Greenville, South Carolina, USA 📝  ETR DECODER 📅 DATE PLAYED: March 5, 2023 🧠 DIFFICULTY (Based on 8 ppl): 7/10 👥 TOTAL # OF PLAYERS: 2-8 ppl (Ages 16+) 🕒 LENGTH OF TIME: 60 Mins. 💰 PRICE: $35.00 – $55.00/ pp (depending on group size) ☎️ BOOKING TYPE: Private 🔓 ESCAPED/ COMPLETED?: Yes 📖 THE STORY Chimera Corp beckons you and your comrades into the uncharted territory of “Project Nightmare”, a groundbreaking exploration into the enigmatic realm of dreams. Eagerly volunteering for this open-source endeavor, you find yourselves strapped into the dreaming machine, ready to delve into the subconscious of a client burdened by haunting memories. Your mission: navigate the twists and turns of her psyche, unraveling the threads of trauma, all within the confines of 60 minutes. As the dream unfolds, you’ll encounter a mosaic of emotions, challenges, and hidden secrets that weave into the fabric of this surreal experience. Your task is not just to escape but to extend a helping hand to the dreamer, providing solace before the looming threat of eternal entrapment becomes a reality. Brace yourselves for a journey that transcends the boundaries of consciousness, where every decision counts, and the line between reality and the dream world blurs Photo above is property of Escape Artist Greenville Embark on a spine-chilling journey into the realm of psychological horror with Dark Lullaby, a masterfully crafted escape room by Escape Artist Greenville. Unlike typical horror games relying on jump scares, this immersive experience thrives on an unsettling plot and an atmosphere that permeates every inch of the venue. The suspense begins the moment you step into the lobby, meticulously designed as the Chimera Corp headquarters—a thematic touch that sets the tone for the entire adventure. The introduction to the scenario is a carefully orchestrated experience, ensuring that players are seamlessly drawn into the nightmarish narrative. Traversing from room to room is a constant source of wonder, with each space concealing unexpected surprises that evoke a genuine “wow” response from every team member. Escape Artist Greenville excels in bringing the intricate set to life, enhancing the immersive nature of the game. 🧩 MISSED THE MARK After much consideration nothing is needed in this section 🏹 TAKE A SHOT? “Dark Lullaby” stands out as a gem among escape room experiences, particularly catering to those seeking a psychological horror encounter devoid of mere jump scares. This game is a must for players desiring a narrative-driven, tension-filled journey that crescendos into an epic finale. From the very beginning, the atmosphere tightens, immersing players in a progressively intensifying storyline. The steps taken by your group within the game contribute to the meticulous world-building and character development, weaving a rich narrative around the individual whose dreams you explore. The puzzles, integral to the overarching storyline and character, are both challenging and logically constructed, ensuring an engaging experience without veering into frustration. Dark Lullaby establishes itself as a top-tier escape room in the United States, offering a unique blend of psychological horror, compelling storytelling, and well-crafted puzzles. For those seeking an immersive adventure that transcends typical horror tropes. Located in an entertainment district filled with food venues Ages 16+ unless accompanied by an adult One player must briefly crawl Photos above are property of Escape Artist Greenville (If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from “ESCAPETHEROOMers“!) Leer más sobre Escape Room

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